Happy Gotcha Day!

October 16th, 2012 was one of the best days of our lives. It’s the day we brought home our precious baby girl, Eloise Ann!! Today she has been home one year and we are rejoicing and celebrating her life!

October 16th is what we call Eloise’s {Gotcha Day}. It’s the day we “got her”, the day she became a part of our family. So, every year on this day we will do something special to celebrate HER! It won’t be a celebration as big as a birthday but it will still be a celebration. Most likely it will be a day when she gets to choose her favorite meal for dinner and open one or two presents. Since this will be her first gotcha day we’re still trying to decide what the tradition will look like. =)

It’s amazing how much Eloise has changed in her year home! She has grown from an unresponsive, cautious, tiny 6 month old to an outgoing, {very opinionated!}, sweet, and extremely loving 18 month old. It’s been so amazing to see the transformation.

She is such a {joy} to our family and we can hardly remember life without her! She is already talking up a storm and says words like all done, more please, apple, Yaya (Isaiah), dog, cat, airplane, movie, backpack, baby, water, milk, bathtub and so many more! I have the feeling I’m going to be getting earfuls once the full sentences start!!

Eloise loves to take her vitamins each day, is already showing an interest in potty training, and is still very much in love with her “papi” (pacifier). She is starting to enjoy watching movies and loves Praise Baby and Miss Pattycake the most! She loves chicken but fruits and veggies keep moving further down on the list of favorite foods (we’re working on it!). She loves to give kisses and will sometimes give you 20 or more in a row. She is a cuddler and a snuggler and I love that to bits about her!

Eloise, we are so glad the Lord blessed us with your life one year ago today. We can’t wait to celebrate the many more years that God gives us with you as our daughter!! Happy gotcha day, sweet baby! We love you!

7 months old
12 months old
18 months

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